Symposium of the ONCOSTAT team INSERM U1018 CESP, Univ. Paris-Sud, Univ. Paris-Saclay

 & Service de Biostatistique et Epidémiologie

Novotel Paris Centre Montparnasse

 Thursday October 20, 2016

9am - 5pm

Clinical trials in oncology increasingly integrate biomarkers either at the design stage or at the time of analysis. During the last decade, statisticians have repeatedly demonstrated the risk of investigating biomarkers without adequate design and analyses tools. In addition to the false positive discovery rate that may be far beyond the pre-specified one, the treatment effect may not be homogeneous neither across strata nor over time. This stimulated development of new statistical methods to better estimate treatment effect, to increase the power, limit biases or to improve the report of effects.

Registration conditions :

This symposium is open to statisicians interested in advanced methods for clinical research in oncology. Two main themes will be explored:

  •   Design and analysis of survival data with non-proportional hazards
  •   Designs with biomarkers 

Registration is mandatory. The maximum number of attendees is 100.           Free access is afforded to the students (but registration is mandatory).           The registration fee is  50€ for academia and 120€ for members of pharma companies.

This fee includes the access to the symposium as well as the lunch.

Click on the “registration” box on the left-hand side for online registration and payment (by credit card, bank transfer or purchase order). The registration fee for participants is nonrefundable, though substitutions may be made.

We wish this symposium to stimulate exchanges and discussions on recent statistical methods and designs in the field of clinical trials in oncology. Each speaker will be given 35 minutes including 5 to 10 minutes for interacting with the room.


For administrative questions, please contact  Françoise Terrier 

For questions on the scientific content, please contact Xavier Paoletti  or Stefan Michiels





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